Melanie Vritschan & Amy Holem met with Mr Barrie Trower recently. This meeting was to allow Barrie to speak with our head lawyer, discuss Belgian law & Amy Holem’s work.
The meeting went extremely well ! Barrie & Amy will now be speaking on a regular basis. Mr Trower was able to verify her work, as our lawyer did in the also recent Belgian visit.
Mr Trower has written some papers specifically for Amy & Icator & provided us with various documents which will be used in our legal proceedings.
Amy & Barrie discussed targeting in general, health issues, scientific aspects & her own work – Thermal Imaging, audio analysis & FCC searches. Barrie provided Amy with mathematical equations which will help with proving particular attacks such as attacks via a person’s phone.
Barrie will try & be present in person for our conference to be held on the 3rd of December. If he cannot we will do a separate interview with him. The conference on the 3rd of December is being held via our lawyers association in order to further validate Amy Holem’s work with other engineers, scientists & alike. Our lawyers are inviting their own contacts for this purpose & Icator will do the same.
Once we have the link for the conference on December 3rd we will post it online. You can download one of the short papers written by Barrie Trower at the link below.
The EU & UK trips have been incredibly important as we now know we can actually use the evidence we have collated thus far. We would like to thank all those who helped us with donations. Due to the nature & size of this lawsuit we will need to continue fundraising.
Links to a video of Amy Holem in Belgium & our meeting with Barrie Trower are below –