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6) The ICATOR international lawsuit campaign


If you have not read through all of the campaigns yet and the introduction then please read them all in full in the link below. 

CAMPAIGNS | Targeteduk ( 


Quick reminder...

1) The only thing I ask is that each member of the UK Targeted community please support the campaigns in the above link by working through them one by one until every campaign has been done by every UK TI. We are also of course asking for much-needed brave members of the public to help our campaigns and cause them to go viral (like it deserves to be!).

2) Please put these campaigns down on your to-do list and set about working through these campaigns one by one until they are ALL ticked off your to-do list. Can you imagine every TI in the country doing these campaigns? Then we would finally be an organized force that the UK authorities finally could not ignore! 


That aside, let's talk about the ICATOR international lawsuit campaign...


This is also a very important campaign. For those of you who have not heard of it the main details can be found here...



Please join and/or donate to the cause here...


International class action lawsuit against neuro-torture (​


Updates on the Lawsuit will be posted regularly in the News section of this website so please keep checking there and also subscribe to the mailing list to be informed of updates. 

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