Icator’s legal reps – Droits Libertes – “Rights and Freedoms” – are running in this year’s 2024 political election to be a political party for citizens rights. This is a citizens and legal movement within the Belgian parliament.
If elected, our lawyers could then hold a parliamentary hearing in Belgium about human rights, targeting and Havana Syndrome, which would help Icator and our TI lawsuit, and members and non members of Icator.
It would also mean that going forward our lawyers would have a political say, more influence and would be able to try for legislation, policies, regulations and more. As Icator intends to become a full partner with D&L it would certainly help us and the entire community.
They are asking for 5000 signatures showing support for them being elected. Anyone can sign this, whether they are Belgian residents or not.
The link below has more details and how to sign. Try to translate the pages into English, though it is easy to follow regardless of language. You would receive an automatic email reply and then follow the further instructions.
We appreciate your support !