Hello all,
Icator & our Lawyers Association have arranged a zoom meeting for Icator members to attend.
You will be able to hear how the Lawsuit will be put forward & ask any our head Lawyer quetions you may have.
It is on the 10th if May 8-10pm Belgium CET.
See zoom link below -
Droits et Libertés vous invite à une réunion Zoom planifiée. Sujet : ICATOR Heure : 10 mai 2022 08:00 PM Bruxelles Participer à la réunion Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88999895723?pwd=OTY5WEY1bzRZeDdpRnFGV2tzYlZ4dz09 ID de réunion : 889 9989 5723 Code secret : 712485
Stay safe