Richard Lighthouse / Targeted Justice – Has created a list of TI contacts for support in multiple countries.
If you are targeted and in need of support please always feel free to contact those on this list that are from your country of residence or as close to. They will be able to put you in touch with others and offer advice.
These people do not work for or represent Targeted Justice. They are independent volunteers offering to help the TI community using their own resources and time.
Countries / Australia Sydney – Jonathan easyessentialz@proton.me +61 455508287 / Australia Melbourne – Helene hnaidis@posteo.net / Australia Queensland – Michelle lotus.lily1967@gmail.com / Australia Queensland – Grazina crezina@bigpond.com / Balkans – Maja maja.mastroic@gmail.com / Belgium Brussels – Melanie melanie.vritschan@icator.be Icator.be jacqueline.menanteau@icator.be / Brazil Francis saltoquanticobrazil@gmail.com saltoquanticobrasil.org.br / Canada Winnipeg – Lady Sherry sapodolc@lakeheadu.ca 204.899.0752 https://www.clubhouse.com/club/sat-morning-ti-coffee? / Chile H. Correa horacio07@gmail.com www.tlist.cl / China – Hong Kong jasminetso@yahoo.com / Denmark Anne annehelenehave@gmail.com www.targetedindividualdenmark.com www.artofdestruction.dk annehh (bitchute.com) / Finland Anette anettesun@hotmail.com / France Poitiers 86000 – Nadine gaillardnad@aol.com / Germany Ralf lushin@gmx.net / Germany Stuttgart – Tom tomislavde@protonmail.com 00 49 1 520 476 8485 / India Hyderabad – Minhaj hyd36@yahoo.com / India Bangalore – Bharath pmp4soluions@gmail.com 08023326332 http://www.covertenergytorture.org/ / Japan Group Leader in Japan, Kiyoshi Oshigoshi’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/4j0tttkpcml3pi8?s=21 “Targeted in Japan” website: http://liferelax.blog.fc2.com/ / Morocco Luka lukabarbaresco@gmail.com 011-212-71-03-34-150 / Netherlands The Hague – Ed ed_rugebregt@hotmail.nl https://www.youtube.com/@edrugebregt
/ Paraguay Buck buckwilliams2021@protonmail.com https://globalcommunityweekly.substack.com / Slovenia Zlatka golldy13@gmail.com / Slovenia Simon simon.smx123@gmail.com web: recovering-from-psychotronics.org / South Africa Terence nxumalo10@gmail.com / Spain Spain – Enrique enmartindel@protonmail.com / UK London – Janette janettewinstone@gmail.com / UK London – Dee oliviakanga@icloud.com