Stephen Marvin - Moderator for Targeted Survivors - has written this superb document about UK police & mental health services involvement in targeting, stalking and them using microwave weapons.
Feel free to download this Word doc and have a read.
Thanks Stephen.
This is a brilliantly written document. It would serve as an excellent resource to show to friends and family who are so difficult to convince that the 'Targeting Program' actually exists.
Thank you Stephen for all the time and effort that into compiling this very useful and important document.
Carol, Targeted in the UK for the last 11 years ☹️
I know of one TI in Canada, a doctor of chemistry, a very balanced individual who has been subject to sectioning on 4 separate ocassions; unnecessary medication given, despite no real verifiable diagnosis of mental illness. He has been and continues to be subjected to DEW attacks. Doctors confirmed severe physical symptoms, deterioration etc. Before he could leave Canada he was sectioned against his will, he had purchased a plane ticket back to China, they obviously knew this! I don't want to provide his name, as I wish him no further harm from Canadian MH. On the subject of Dr. Todd Grande, his ignorance is obvious, the very fact that he denies existence of "frequency" weapons is astonishing, showing a compl…
The thing is these psychopaths aka psychiatric drs know this is happening, they just choose to turn a blind eye to it because of fear - see this is why I said all these people involved in this 'organised stalking' are cowards. They have to hide behind the shadows, they don't want to face the target 1 on 1 it takes an organised mob of individuals to harass 1 person? These people are disgusting.