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Icator lawsuit updates & Amy Holem thermal scans to be held in the UK

Updated: Aug 13, 2023

Hello all,

During the summer months we have a limited time & resources, we thank you for your understanding & patience.

Icator president Melanie Vritschan has had a meeting with our lawyers last week & we have exciting news.

We were to hold a parliamentary hearing which entailed a televised hearing, petition & legislation to request regulations on weapons systems in Belgium.

Our lawyers have decided to change plans so that we now go into class action first. This is because once we have done so, we will then have officially the legal status of “victims". This would support all other stages going forward. The televised hearing & petition will still happen afterwards.

Evidence & witness statements would be submitted, an investigating judge appointed & a trial would take place. As our lawyers decided to put the case forward as both criminal & civil this means there would be convictions & compensation if we were to succeed.

Our Lawyer has seen the effects these crimes are having on so many people around the world & so has kindly agreed to start proceedings immediately using our initial retainer fee which was collected in 2021. This means we can start straight away with these following tasks in preparation.

The case is international but based in Belgium. We need to hire a Belgian based expert to conduct work such as EMF measurements for Belgian victims which means purchasing devices. Evidence & witness statements from those in other countries around the world will of course be used.

For this we have several options. Amy Holem of Aimees Audios can conduct audio analysis, FCC searches & Thermal imaging scans. We are also going to approach the location Icator use with a Faraday cage for scanning events to ask for aid in other areas such as the measurements from Belgian victims & also oxicology. We are also seeking medical expertise on top of this.

Later this year we will hold meetings in preparation for the class action with Amy Holem, Mr Barrie Trower, our lawyers & Icator board members. We would also prepare with victims participating.

Amy Holem is to travel to the UK & will be conducting thermal imaging scans for Icator members & victims. She will then travel to Belgium and conduct scans there & meet with our lawyers to further prepare for the lawsuit. We need to ensure actual Icator members are scanned so the evidence can be legally used. We aim to do this in the UK during October & November this year. For those interested in being scanned in the UK or in Belgium the scans cost $300. W will look into scanning 3 person's a day in the Yorkshire area. Please contact myself or Amy Holem directly with enquiries.

Thermal scans will pick up wounds not visible to the naked eye, possible hotspots where chips could be located & general over heating.

We will also hold another legal conference with our lawyers, advisors & board member present. To be announced.

Once we are at the stage of filing the lawsuit after preparations are complete, the lawsuit will be filed. Our lawyers hope to have the lawsuit filed at the end of 2022 or early 2023,

Once all these preparatory tasks are complete, we would then need to make payment to file the lawsuit. We would need to pay 10,000 Euros to the Investigating judge for the tasks they would need to do, experts & our lawyers, a total of around 30,000 Euros is required. This means from present & until then we must continue fundraising.

We will of course keep you all updated as we progress. If you have any questions, please contact us.

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1 Comment

Aug 27, 2022

I don't know whether you would find testimony from foreign doctors OK, but here's one you might like to track down. I can't see any contact info, but some of you might be more resourceul!

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