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Action against 5G legal case with Barrie Trower & Michael Mansfield

You may all be aware that the group “Action against 5G" are underway with a legal case regarding the hidden dangers of 5G.

Having spoken with Mr Barrie Trower about this we know that he is one of their advisors as well as several other experts.

The case is centered around the government not telling the full truth regarding the serious health affects caused by 5G.

Mr Michael Mansfield is a world renowned UK based lawyer & is more well known for the “Birmingham 6” case in the UK in which he successfully proved innocent members of the IRA & government involvement taking place behind the scenes.

Having a lawyer of his stature take on a case such as this is excellent news for our own community.

We know that Barrie has won cases surrounding this area in the past, one specifically in Oregon, USA relating to the dangers of 5G in schools & another relating to the dangers for pregnant women.

Barrie has spoken about this case with Icator in brief – fingers crossed !!! – And a thank you to Barrie for his dedication to this important cause.

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